Saturday, January 29, 2011


I suppose one of the best ways to start a blog is by supplying a little bit of information about the author. My name is Julie Brooks, and I am currently completing my Masters at Missouri State University in Professional and Technical Writing. Currently I have completed all my coursework, and am using this semester to finish up my degree papers and study for a major exam. While finishing up school, I am working part-time at a shoe store, and working on several writing endeavors. I am also searching for a full time job, preferably in technical writing.

My current writing projects include:
-Writing articles for Demand Media Studios, to be published on sites like eHow and LIVESTRONG
-Writing articles on Native American Literature for
-Writing this blog, and another one about great films:

So now that you know a bit about my background you may be asking yourself, what is going to make Grammar Goofs different from other grammar Web sites? The answer is simple: I am going to keep it local. I live in the heart of the Ozarks, and plan on showing my wonderful audience pictures and examples of grammar goofs in my area, instead of simply searching the Web for funny typos, misspellings, or errors. My hope is that this blog will be something that can be appreciated not only by outsiders, but also by those of us who know our grammar, but live in an area proud of its hillbilly stereotype.

Unfortunately I have no goofs to show you today, but I have left you with a poll to take while I take some time to gather my goofs. Expect your first grammar goof in the next couple of days. Happy reading!

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